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Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tanıtım Günleri bu yıl 22 ve 23 Temmuz tarihlerinde Beytepe Yerleşkesi Tunçalp Özgen Kongre ve Kültür Merkezinde gerçekleştirilecektir. Geomatik Mühendisliği Bölümü hocaları bölüm hakkındaki sorularınızı cevaplamak için bölüm standında sizi bekliyor olacaklardır.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Geomatik Mühendisliği
Tanıtım Filmi
"Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Management" adlı seminer hakkında

Dr. Saman Ghaffarian tarafından 23.05.2023 tarihi Salı günü saat:14:00'de Derslik 1'de "Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Managementkonulu bir seminer gerçekleştirecektir.


Title: Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Management

Description: Recent advancements in technology have significantly improved the field of disaster risk management (DRM), with a particular emphasis on the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) and remote sensing-based methods. Remote sensing has emerged as a versatile and powerful tool for collecting data from a distance, employing various sensors and platforms such as satellites and drones. It enables the acquisition of high-resolution imagery, 3D data, and other geospatial information, providing valuable insights for DRM. At the same time, AI techniques, including advanced machine learning algorithms, have made significant progress in analysing and interpreting extensive datasets, including remote sensing data. The integration of AI and remote sensing has greatly enhanced DRM practices. By leveraging remote sensing data, AI algorithms facilitate swift identification and evaluation of affected areas for post-disaster damage assessments. These technologies also enable monitoring of recovery progress and the identification of vulnerable regions that are prone to future disasters. Additionally, AI-based tools have improved the efficiency of disaster early warning systems, evacuation modelling, and planning by enabling effective and rapid hazard forecasting and exposure mapping. In this talk, I will present my previous and ongoing studies on the exclusive and collaborative use of advanced AI tools and methods, such as deep learning, explainable AI, and digital twins, in conjunction with remote sensing for various aspects of DRM. The talk will demonstrate how AI, remote sensing, and their integration have enhanced these areas of study, providing accurate and timely information for effective decision-making in DRM.