Geomatics Engineering
Remote Sensing
Hacettepe University
Internship Procedures for Foreign Students

According to subparagraph (c) of the first paragraph of Article 64 of Law No. 5510 on Social Insurance and General Health Insurance, titled "Health Services Not Covered by the Institution," the financing of chronic diseases that existed before the date on which foreign nationals are considered general health insurance holders or dependents of a general health insurance holder is not covered.

For this reason, the insured person and the foreign national who is their dependent must obtain a medical board report from healthcare providers authorized by the Institution within 30 business days from the date of general health insurance registration. This report must certify that they do not have social security in their home country, do not benefit from health assistance, and do not have any of the chronic diseases listed in the annex of Circular No. 2021/25 before the registration date.

Additionally, they must fill out a separate declaration form, as specified in the annex of the circular, for both the general health insurance holder and their dependent. These documents must then be submitted to the Provincial Social Security Directorate.