Geomatics Engineering
Remote Sensing
Hacettepe University


Sümer E, Uslu İ.B, Türker M. (2017). An Eye-Controlled Wearable Communication and Control System for ALS Patients: SmartEyes. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 8(2):107-116.

B. Bahadur, M. Nohutcu, “PPPH: a MATLAB-based software for multi-GNSS precise point positioning analysis”, GPS Solutions, 22, 4, 2018, UNSP 113. (SCI-Expanded)

J. Böhm, S. Böhm, J. Boisits, A. Girdiuk, J. Gruber, A. Hellerschmied, H. Krasna, D. Landskron, M. Madzak, D. Mayer, J. McCallum, L. McCallum, M. Schartner, K. Teke (2018) Vienna VLBI and Satellite Software (VieVS) for Geodesy and Astrometry, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 130 (986), 044503; 1 – 6. (SCI)

M. Buyukdemircioglu, S. Kocaman, U. Isikdag. Semi-Automatic 3D City Model Generation m from Large Format Aerial Images. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7(9), 339; (SCI)


KWAK Younghee, Johannes Böhm, Thomas Hobiger, Lucia Plank, Kamil Teke, “Combination of the two radio space geodetic techniques with VieVS during CONT14”, IVS 2016 General Meeting Proceedings, Edited by Dirk Behrend, Karen D. Baver, and Kyla L. Armstrong, NASA/CP-2016-2190162016, 2016, pp. 265 - 269

Johannes Böhm, Sigrid Böhm, Janina Boisits, Anastasiia Girdiuk, Jakob Gruber, Andreas Hellerschmied, Hana Krásná, Daniel Landskron, Matthias Madzak, David Mayer, Jamie McCallum, Lucia McCallum, Matthias Schartner, Kamil Teke, “Vienna VLBI and Satellite Software (VieVS) for Geodesy and Astrometry”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, submitted 2017.

KOCAMAN, Sultan (Doç. Dr.), İlyas Yalçın, “Investigations On The Radiometric And Geometric Quality Of Rasat Pan Imagery”, IPSI BGD Transactions On Internet Research, 2017, 1820-4503, 13, 2, 1-8s.


Q. Li, S. Ural, J. Anderson and J. Shan, "A Fuzzy Mean-Shift Approach to Lidar Waveform Decomposition," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 7112-7121, Dec. 2016. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2596105 

Ural, S., Shan, J., 2016. A min-cut based filter for airborne lidar data. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B3, 395-401.

Li, Q., Ural, S., Shan, J., 2016. Decomposing lidar waveforms with nonparametric classification methods. IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China, July 10-15, 2016

Ural, S., Shan, J. (2016). A min-cut Approach to Building Detection from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds. ASPRS 2016 Annual Conference, Texas, U.S.A., April 11-15.

Turker, M. and Koc-San, D., 2015, Building extraction from high-resolution optical spaceborne images using the integration of support vector machine (SVM) classification, Hough transformation and perceptual grouping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 34, pp. 58–69. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2014.06.016;   Accession Number: WOS: 000343357500006)


Teke, K; Bohm, J; Madzak, M; Kwak, Y; Steigenberger, P, "GNSS zenith delays and gradients in the analysis of VLBI Intensive sessions", ADV SPAC RE, Cilt 56, Baskı 8, Sayfa 1667-1676, 201

Turker, M. and Koc-San, D., 2015, Building extraction from high-resolution optical spaceborne images using the integration of support vector machine (SVM) classification, Hough transformation and perceptual grouping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2014.06.016).

Ural, S., Shan, J., Romero, M. A., and Tarko, A., 2015. Road and Roadside Feature Extraction Using Imagery and LiDAR Data for Transportation Operation. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-3/W4, 239-246.

Li, Q., Ural, S., Anderson, J., Shan, J., 2015. A Nonparametric Mixture Model for Full-Waveform LiDAR Data Decomposition. ASPRS 2015 Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, USAMay 4-8, 2015.

Shan, J., & Ural, S. (2015). Performance measure that indicates geometry sufficiency of state highways: Volume II—Clear zones and cross-section information extraction (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP- 2015/07). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. //


Sümer, E. and Turker, M., 2014, Automated extraction of photorealistic facade textures from single ground-level building images. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, (DOI: 10.1142/S0218001414550076). (//

Koc-San, D. and Turker, M., 2014, Support vector machines classification for finding building patches from IKONOS imagery: the effect of additional bandsJournal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 8, No.1 (DOI:10.1117/1.JRS.8.083694) (//

Aydin. C. C., 2014, Designing building façades for the urban rebuilt environment with integration of digital close-range photogrammetry and geographical information systems., Automation in Construction 43 (2014) 38–48. (//

Li, Q., Ural, S., Anderson, J., Shan, J., Minimum Description Length Constrained Lidar Waveform Decomposition. IGARSS 2014, Quebec, Canada, July 13-18, 2014.

Li, Q., Ural, S., Anderson, J., Shan, J., Using Lidar to Identify More Than Buildings. 2014 Indiana GIS Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA, May 7-8, 2014.


Turker, M. and Kok, E.H., 2013, Field-based sub-boundary extraction from remote sensing imagery using perceptual grouping. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 79, pp. 106-121.

Sumer, E. and Turker, M., 2013 An adaptive fuzzy-genetic algorithm approach for building detection using high-resolution satellite images. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,Vol. 39, pp. 48–62.

Tsapakis, I., Heydecker, B. G., Cheng, T. and Anbaroglu, B., (2013). How Tube Strikes Affect Macroscopic and Link Travel Times in London Transportation Planning and Technology 36(1), pp. 109-129. DOI:10.1080/03081060.2012.745766

Cheng, T., Haworth, J., Anbaroglu, B., Tanaksaranond, G. & Wang, J. (2013). Spatio-Temporal Data Mining. In Fischer, M.M. & Nijkamp, P. (eds.). Handbook of Regional Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23430-9_68.

K. Teke, T. Nilsson, J. Böhm, T. Hobiger, P. Steigenberger, S.G. Espada, R. Haas, P. Willis (2013), Troposphere delays from space geodetic techniques, water vapor radiometers, and numerical weather models over a series of continuous VLBI campaigns, Journal of Geodesy, 87(10): 981-1001, doi: 10.1007/s00190-013-0662-z.

K. Teke, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Krasna (5-8 March 2013), Sub-daily antenna position estimates from the CONT11 campaign, Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA), Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, edited by N. Zubko and M. Poutanen,  Helsinki, Finland, 131-134.

M. Madzak, J. Böhm, S. Böhm, H. Krasna, T. Nilsson,  L. Plank,  C. Tierno Ros, H. Schuh, B. Soja, J. Sun, K. Teke (5-8 March 2013), Vienna VLBI Software – Current release and plans for the future, Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA), Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute,  edited by N. Zubko and M. Poutanen, Helsinki, Finland, 73-76. 

K. Teke, J. Böhm (9-10 September 2013) Vie_LSM and Vie_LSM_scan (Version 2.1), Fourth VieVS User Workshop, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, IVS Special Analysis Center, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

K. Teke, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Krasna (7-12 April 2013), Sub-daily VLBI antenna position estimates derived from the CONT11 campaign, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-5829, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.

S. Böhm, J. Böhm, H. Krásná, M. Madzak, T. Nilsson, L. Plank, C. Tierno Ros, J. Sun, and K. Teke (7-12 April 2013), Vienna VLBI Software VieVS – status quo and future developments, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-7058, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.

E. Tanır, K. Teke (2013), KTU-GEOD IVS Analysis Center Annual Report 2012, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2012 Annual Report, edited by K. D. Baver, D. Behrend, and K. Armstrong, NASA/TP-2013-217511, 2013, p. 281-284.

J. Boehm, S. Boehm, H. Krasna, M. Madzak, T. Nilsson, L. Plank, V. Raposo, H. Schuh, B. Soja, J.Sun, K.Teke, R. Tierno Claudia, (2013), Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2012, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2012 Annual Report, edited by K. D. Baver, D. Behrend, and K. Armstrong, NASA/TP-2013-217511, 2013, p. 325-328.

Usman, M., Hussain, E., Ural, S., Shan, J., Mapping and Monitoring Planned Development of Vegetation Cover in Desert Area using Temporal Remote Sensing Data. ASPRS 2013 Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 24-28, 2013.

Sumer, E. and Turker, M., 2013, An automatic region growing based approach to extract facade textures from single ground-level building images. Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 9-17.


Koc-San, D. and Turker, M., 2012 A model-based approach for automatic building database updating from high resolution space imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.33, No.13, p.4193-4218.

K. Teke, E.T. Kayıkçı, J. Böhm, H. Schuh (2012) Modeling Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations, Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vol. 1, No. 1, 17-26, ISSN Print: 2147-1339.

K. Teke, T. Nilsson, J. Böhm, P. Steigenberger, R. Haas, T. Hobiger, P. Willis (3-7 December 2012) Zenith troposphere delays and gradients from VLBI, GNSS, DORIS, water vapor radiometer, and numerical weather models during continuous VLBI campaigns, 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, USA, Poster: G11A-0909.

J. Böhm, K. Teke, P. Willis (25-26 September, 2012) Tropospheric parameters from DORIS in comparison to other techniques during CONT campaigns, International DORIS Service Workshop, Venice, Italy.

K. Teke, J. Böhm, M. Madzak (11-13 September 2012) VIE_LSM_V20, Third VieVS User Workshop, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, IVS Special Analysis Center, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

P. Willis, O. Bock, Y. Bar-Sever, K. Teke (31 May – 1 June, 2012) DORIS Zenith Tropospheric Delays available from the IGN Analysis Center, DORIS Analysis Working Group meeting (AWG) of the International DORIS Service, Prague, Czech Republic.

E. Tanır, K. Teke (2012) KTU-GEOD IVS Analysis Center Annual Report 2011, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2011 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and KD. Baver, NASA/TP-2012-217505, 2012, p. 234-235.

Ural, S., Shan, J., 2012. Min-cut Based Segmentation of Airborne Lidar Point Clouds. Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Melbourne, Australia, August 25 – September 1, 2012.

Heidemann, H. K., Stoker, J., Brown, D., Olsen M. J., Singh, R., Williams, K., Chin, A., Karlin, A., McClung, G., Janke, J., Shan, J., Kim, K., Sampath, A., Ural, S., Parrish, C. E., Waters, K., Wozencraft, J., Macon, C. L., Brock J., Wright, C. W., Hopkinson, C., Pietroniro, A., Madin, A., Conner, J. (2012). Applications. In M. S. Renslow (Eds.), Manual of Airborne Topographic Lidar (pp. 283-423). Bethesda, MD, U.S.A.: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.


Turker, M. and A. Ozdarici (2011). "Field-based crop classification using SPOT4, SPOT5, IKONOS, and QuickBird imagery for agricultural areas: A comparison study". International Journal of Remote Sensing,

A. Erdem and M. Pelillo, Graph Transduction as a Non-cooperative Game, 8th IAPR -TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, Munster, Germany, Springer LNCS, Vol. 6658, pp. 195-204, May 2011

K. Teke, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Schuh, P. Steigenberger, R. Dach, R. Heinkelmann, P. Willis, R. Haas, S.G. Espada, T. Hobiger, R. Ichikawa, S. Shimizu (2011), Multi-technique comparison of troposphere zenith delays and gradients during CONT08, Journal of Geodesy, 85(7) : 395-413, doi: 10.1007/s00190-010-0434-y.

H. Schuh, J. Boehm, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, L. Plank, H. Spicakova, J. Sun, R. Tierno Claudia, K. Teke (2011) Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2010, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2010 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K.Baver, NASA/TP-2011-215880, 2011, p. 209-212.

E. Tanır, K. Teke (2011) KTU-GEOD IVS Analysis Center Annual Report 2010, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2010 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K.Baver, NASA/TP-2011-215880, 2011, p. 223-226.

Hussain, E., Ural, S., Kim, K., Fu, C., & Shan, J. (2011). Building Extraction and Rubble Mapping for City Port-au-Prince Post-2010 Earthquake with GeoEye-1 Imagery and Lidar Data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 77(10), 1011–1023.

Ural, S., Hussain, E., & Shan, J. (2011). Building population mapping with aerial imagery and GIS data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13(6), 841–852.

Hussain, E., Ural, S., Shan, J., 2011. Mapping Pakistan 2010 Floods using Remote Sensing Data. ASPRS 2011 Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, May 1-5, 2011.


Turker, M. and D. Koc San, 2010, Building Detection from Pan-Sharpened IKONOS Imagery Through Support Vector Machines Classification, ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium - Networking the World with Remote Sensing, Kyoto, Japan, August 9 - 12, CD.

Koc San, D. and M. Turker, 2010, Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Hough Transform, ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium - Networking the World with Remote Sensing, Kyoto, Japan, August 9 - 12, CD.

Turker, M. and E. Sumer, 2010, Automatic Retrieval of Near Photo-realistic Textures from Single Ground-Level Building Images, GEOBIA - GEOgraphic Object Based Image Analysis, Ghent, Belgium, June 29 - July 2, CD

H. Schuh, J. Boehm, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, L. Plank, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, J. Wresnik (2010) Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2009, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2009 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K.Baver, NASA/TP-2010-215860, 2010, p. 243-246.

K. Teke, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Spicakova, H. Schuh (14-17 September 2010), Intra-Eurasia plate motions based on EUREF, IVS-Europe, and IVS-combined solutions, 15th General Assembly of WEGENER, Geodesy Department of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.

E. Tanir, K. Teke, H. Schuh (14-17 September 2010), VLBI Estimates of vertical crustal motion in Europe, 15th General Assembly of WEGENER, Geodesy Department of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.

K. Teke, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Schuh, P. Steigenberger, R. Dach, R. Heinkelmann, P. Willis, R. Haas, S.G. Espada, T. Hobiger, R. Ichikawa, S. Shimizu (02-07 May 2010), Multi-technique comparison of troposphere zenith delays and gradients during CONT08, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9088, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria.

H. Spicakova, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, L. Plank, K. Teke, and H. Schuh (02-07 May 2010), Global adjustment of geodetic and geodynamical parameters in the VLBI software VieVS, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria.

L. Plank, J. Böhm, T. Nilsson, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, H. Schuh (02-07 May 2010), Vienna VLBI Software VieVS - Version 1 released, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria.

H. Spicakova, J. Boehm, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, L. Plank, K. Teke, H. Schuh (07-13 February 2010), Estimation of geodetic and geodynamical parameters with VieVS, Sixth IVS General Meeting, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

E. Tanir, K. Teke, H. Schuh (20-22 October 2010), Determination of crustal motions in Europe by VLBI, 5. National Engineering Geodesy Symposium Proceedings Book, Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey.

Ural, S., Hussain,E., Shan, J., Building Extraction and Population Mapping Using High Resolution Images.  2010 Indiana GIS Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, February  23-24, 2010.

J. Böhm, T. Hobiger, R. Ichikawa, T. Kondo, Y. Koyama, A. Pany, H. Schuh, K. Teke (2010), Asymmetric tropospheric delays from numerical weather models for UT1 determination from VLBI Intensive sessions on the baseline Wettzell-Tsukuba,Journal of Geodesy, 84(5) : 319-325, doi:10.1007/s00190-10-0370-x.


Turker, M. and E. Sumer, 2009, Towards Automatic Texture Extraction For 3D Building Modelling , Map Asia 2009, Singapore, August 18-20.

H. Schuh, J. Böhm, S. Englich, R. Heinkelmann, P.J.Mendes Cerveira, A. Pany, L. Plank, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, J. Wresnik (2009) Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2008, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2008 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2009-214183, 2009, p. 273-276.

H. Spicakova, J. Boehm, S. Englich, A. Pany, L. Plank, J. Wresnik, K. Teke, H. Schuh, T. Hobiger, R. Ichikawa, Y. Koyama, T. Gotoh, T. Otsubo, T. Kubooka (31 August - 04 September 2009), The new Vienna VLBI Software, VieVS, IAG Scientific Assembly 2009, Geodesy for planet Earth, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

K. Teke, J. Boehm, E. Tanir, H. Schuh (23-28 March 2009), Piecewise Linear Offsets for VLBI Parameter Estimation, Proceedings of the 19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, edited by G. Bourda, P. Charlot, A. Collioud, Universite Bordeaux1-CNRS, Bordeaux, France, 63-67.

J. Boehm, H. Spicakova, L. Plank, K. Teke, A. Pany, J. Wresnik, S. Englich, H. Schuh, T. Hobiger, R. Ichikawa, Y. Koyama, T. Gotoh, T. Otsubo, T. Kubooka (23-28 March 2009), Plans for the Vienna VLBI Software VieVS, Proceedings of the 19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, edited by G. Bourda, P. Charlot, A. Collioud, Universite Bordeaux1-CNRS, Bordeaux, France, 161-164.

E. Tanir, V. Tornatore, K. Teke (23-28 March 2009), Analyses on the time series of the radio telescope coordinates of the IVS-R1 & -R4 Sessions, Proceedings of the 19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, edited by G. Bourda, P. Charlot, A. Collioud, Universite Bordeaux1-CNRS, Bordeaux, France, 122-126.

T. Hobiger, J. Boehm, R. Ichikawa, T. Kondo, Y. Koyama, A. Pany, H. Schuh, K. Teke (04-06 November 2009), Neutral atmosphere delays and UT1 determination from VLBI Intensive sessions, Meeting of the Geodetic Society of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan.

T. Nilsson, H. Schuh, J. Boehm, S. Boehm, M. Schindelegger, A. Pany, L. Plank, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, J. Wresnik (29-30 October 2009), Investigation of high frequency EOP variations, Status seminar DFG FOR584, Munich, Germany.

T. Nilsson, H. Schuh, J. Böhm, S. Englich, A. Pany, L. Plank, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, J. Wresnik (19-21 October 2009), Sub-diurnal Earth Rotation Variations Observed by VLBI, IERS Workshop on EOP Combination and Prediction, Warsaw, Poland.

L. Plank, J. Böhm, S. Englich, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, H. Spicakova, K. Teke, J. Wresnik, H. Schuh (22-24 September 2009), VieVs - Die neue VLBI Software aus Wien, Geodätische Woche, Karlsruhe, Germany.

H. Spicakova, J. Böhm, S. Englich, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, L. Plank, K. Teke, J. Wresnik, H. Schuh (22-24 September 2009), VieVS - VLBI Software zur Bestimmung der Erdrotation und geodynamischer Parameter, Geodätische Woche, Karlsruhe, Germany.

E. Tanir, K. Teke, J. Böhm, H. Schuh (14-16 October 2009), Contribution of Geodetic VLBI Studies to IERS Products and Functions of KTU GEOD IVS Analysis Center, 4. National Engineering Geodesy Symposium Proceedings Book, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 134-164.


Sumer, E. and M. Turker, 2008, Building Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Adaptive Fuzzy Genetic Approach, GEOBIA - GEOgraphic Object Based Image Analysis for the 21st Century, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 5-8, CD

H. Schuh, J. Böhm, S. Englich, R. Heinkelmann, P.J.Mendes Cerveira, A. Pany, E. Tanir, K. Teke, S. Todorova, J. Wresnik (2008) Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2007, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2008-214162, 2008, p. 208-211.

K. Teke, Yalçınkaya, M., and Konak, H. (2008), Optimization of GPS networks for Landslide Areas, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 17(6), 664-675.

K. Teke, R. Heinkelmann, J. Boehm and H. Schuh (3-6 March 2008), VLBI Baseline Length Repeatability Tests of IVS -R1 and R4 Sessions Types, 5th International VLBI Service for Geodesy & Astrometry (IVS) General Meeting, St Petersburg, Russia.

K. Teke, J. Boehm, H. Schuh (19-21 November 2008), Modelling Stochastic Processes in Geodetic VLBI Analysis, TUJK 2008 Annual Meeting, Workshop on Coordinate Systems, Istanbul.


Ozdarici, A. and M. Turker, 2007, Field-Based Classification of Different Resolution Images and the Filtering Effects on the Accuracies, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, İstanbul, Turkey, June 14-16, CD.

Ok, A. O. and M. Turker, 2007, Geometric Calibration and Orthorectification of Bilsat-1 Imagery, Proceedings of the ASPRS 2007 Annual Conference,May 7-11, Tampa, Florida, USA, CD.

Koc San, D. and M. Turker, 2007, Automatic Building Extraction from High Resolution Stereo Satellite Images, Conference on Information Extraction from SAR and Optical Data with Emphasis on Developing Countries, May 16-18, Istanbul, Turkey, CD.

H. Schuh, J. Böhm, R. Heinkelmann, T. Hobiger, P. J. Mendes Cerveira, A. Pany, E. Tanir, K. Teke, S. Todorova, J. Wresnik (2007), Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2006, in International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2007-214151, 2007, p. 208-211.

K. Teke, J. Wresnik, J. Boehm and H. Schuh (12-15 April 2007), Comparision and Cut off Angle Tests for Observed and Simulated CONT05 Sessions, 18th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Vienna, Austria.

K. Teke, J. Boehm and H. Schuh (15-20 April 2007), Baseline Length Repeatability and Vertical point position accuracy of VLBI CONT05 Sessions for Different Mapping Functions and Cut off Angles, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

K. Teke, J. Wresnik, J. Boehm and H. Schuh (14-16 November 2007), Different Tropospheric Mapping Functions and cut off Angles Investigated by Processing VLBI CONT05 Sessions, TUJK 2007 Monitoring and Modelling of the Ionosphere and Troposphere, Ankara, Turkey.


Turker, M. and E. H. Kok, 2006, Automatic Extraction of Sub-Boundaries within Agricultural Fields from Remote Sensing Images, 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL SIG on Land Use and Land Cover, September 28-30, Bonn, Germany, CD.

Turker, M. and E. H. Kok, 2006, Developing an Integrated System for Extracting the Sub-fields within Agricultural Parcels from Remote Sensing Images, Proceeding of, First International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA 2006), July 4-5, Salzburg, Austria, CD.

Ozdarici, A. and M. Turker, 2006, Field-based Classification of Agricultural Crops Using Multi-scale Images, Proceeding of, First International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA 2006), July 4-5, Salzburg, Austria, CD.

Sumer, E. and M. Turker, 2006, An Integrated Earthquake Damage Detection System, Proceedings of First International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA 2006), July 4-5, Salzburg, Austria, CD.

Ozdarici, A. and M. Turker, 2006, Comparison of Multi-Scale Images of an Agricultural Land Using Polygon-Based Classification Techniques, ISPRS Mid-term Symposium, Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes, May 8-11, Enschede, the Netherlands, CD.